Naomi Dorothy Hoffman, affectionately known as ‘Peggy’, was born on September 28, 1927 in Fairfield, Iowa, and passed away peacefully at her home in Fayetteville, Tennessee, January 17, 2019. Her parents were Walter James Ranson and Grace Alberta Ziglar. The youngest of five siblings, she was married for 55 years to her beloved prince, World War II Marine Corporal Kenneth Carter Hoffman (deceased) of Louisville, Kentucky. Together they had three children Patricia Diana Lee, Kendra Carter Melancon (deceased), and Michael Dennis Hoffman. Her extended family includes seven grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren.
Peggy had a lifetime of varied interests, all anchored in the influence of the 1905 Awakening. Trained in vocal music, piano and organ, she found great enjoyment in leading the children’s choir at church; but her focus was always family and home first, so she naturally took outside work to help when her children went through college. Later she volunteered at Mercy Hospital in Vicksburg, Mississippi, where she worked with burn victims and led in various fundraising projects. This opened the door to becoming a contributing writer for the Vicksburg Evening Post under Civil War chronicler, Gordon Cotton. Her concern for others caused her to actively contribute to various efforts concerning orphans, a reflection of her love for her German father-in-law who lost his parents as a child.
A graveside service for family and friends will be held at 3 pm at Rose Hill Cemetery in Fayetteville, Tennessee, on Sunday January 20, 2019. In lieu of flowers, Peggy requested that you donate to the ministry of ‘Kids to Love’. This can be done by going online to or by mail P.O. Box 4871, Huntsville, AL 35815.
Words of comfort to the HOFFMAN family with the loss of your dear precious “PEGGY”. May GOD give you strength & peace during this time of loss. She was very special to me & I will always treasure the cherished memories that are near & dear to my heart.